Sunday 30 November 2008

The Dirty Work

Sometimes a Client may see the intensity of a Recruitment Consultant's approach as money oriented. This same intensity is a very positive thing for a candidate and helps with their career building. Most jobs that no-one wants to do are not as attractive to the majority of people, ie. Sales. Recruitment is selling people into their next job. The process can be seen as ugly to both the candidate and the client but it is a very productive tool. Remember this: a best SELLING book is not always the best writen book. We all have our good side, our strengths, good points, high times...

So use the ugly man who does the ugly job and thank God you don't have to pay him to do it. We charge the Client ( who thinks of us as a mechanic, we are an unwanted necessity)

Thursday 20 November 2008


When someone attempts to open a door their success is dependent on knowing that the door exists and that it is the correct door but mainly on having the KEY that fits. When someone wants to get a new job is it not just as important to have the KEY to the door.